Friday, January 14, 2011

A fun book!

My friend gave me this book for Christmas, she said it reminded her of me. I was so excited to snuggle up and read it, because I am a bookworm. It was a rather fun read, and gave me some ideas for the valentines I was thinking about at the time.

I am pleased with how they turned out. The message in a bottle and the skeleton key were esp. fun to make. I can't wait to give these out when it is closer to Valentines day.


  1. You've inspired me join "facebook" Something i have been nervous about. So glad to see your shop is doing well :)

  2. I have that book and just blogged about it! Isn't it the best little book? I love it, and was so happy when I got the review copy because apparently it's a hard book to come by. You have a very nice and thoughtful friend! :)
